Content marketing strategy

Bring your content marketing strategy up to full speed

Content marketing encompasses everything from blogs and white papers to social media posts and email newsletters. These pieces educate and entertain, build your reputation and drive audience engagement.

Unless they don’t. Without a guiding strategy for your content marketing assets, you’re missing out on opportunities. Why stall in the slow lane when you could be blowing by the competition?

Let WG Content bring order to your digital world with customized content marketing strategy services. Our strategists put their expertise to work with a step-by-step approach.

First, they’ll meet with you to discuss your content marketing goals and current strategy.  

Then, they’ll analyze your online assets using industry best practices and sophisticated software.  

Next, the good stuff: a report with practical, actionable recommendations to transform your content marketing strategy. 

It’s time for your content marketing to fire on all cylinders

Our strategists focus on key performance indicators, ask and answer vital questions, and customize their report to your strategy needs.

  • Content quality — Is your content useful, original, relevant and user-focused?
  • Readability best practices — Is your content accessible, in line with your brand tone and voice, and mobile-friendly?
  • User experience — Can visitors navigate your site easily? Do your digital assets follow smart cross-linking strategies? Can users find the information they need?
  • Searchability — Are your materials optimized for SEO? Are your keywords performing well?
  • Brand unity — Is your online presence aligned with your organization’s brand identity?

Your report may reveal opportunities you weren’t aware of, including ideas for new digital assets. Our experienced writers create search-optimized web content, with extensive experience in content marketing and email marketing. And we can connect you with designers for custom graphics, animation and video to pump up your content’s visual appeal.

All the content strategy services for all your needs

WG Content is the trusted source for content strategy services for many B2B and B2C clients in healthcare, academia and tech. Our team does it all, from content planning to content audits and gap analysis and website strategy and user experience.

Get back in the driver’s seat

WG Content's approach to content marketing strategy.
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Using WG Content saved us time and allowed us to be more efficient with our budget. From a time and dollar standpoint, it was an excellent investment for us.

Nichole Stevens

Former Director of Marketing, Roper St. Francis Healthcare

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