The time it takes to manage all the content your organization needs is staggering. Many marketers struggle with effectively managing the editorial process while still fighting all the other fires that inevitably come up.

Download the state of content planning survey results and see first-hand how other organizations are tackling content planning.  Nearly 170 respondents shared an inside look at how their organizations plan content.

You’ll find the results in this white paper and get insights on how to:

  • Improve content planning: Discover what roles are typically involved, how content plans are connected to strategy and what common formats plans take.
  • Enhance collaboration: Learn how much content development is typically outsourced and how organizations set content contributors up for success.
  • Overcome challenges: Unpack top challenges in content planning, including how to better collaborate with SMEs.
  • Use AI strategically: Learn how other organizations are using AI in content planning.
  • Better track performance: See what metrics your peers and competitors are using to prove the value of content.