Heather Stanley

Marketing Director

Heather is a born storyteller, and some of her favorite stories to tell are about WG Content. As director of marketing, she works with our client relationships team to turn prospects into clients and clients into brand advocates. Heather routinely wows our staff with her problem-solving skills and positive, can-do attitude, which were on full display during our recent rebrand effort.

Heather has 20 years of experience managing marketing programs and teams across nonprofits, agencies and tech. She joined WG Content in 2023 and immediately realized she’d found her people and place in the content marketing world. Heather leads every aspect of our marketing operations, from brand and digital to conference prep and social media. Colleagues note that her skill set also includes getting a lot done quickly and eliciting at least one laugh during every video call.

Heather graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in communication studies and a bachelor’s of business administration in marketing. In her spare time, she loves to read, cross destinations off her bucket list, cheer for Iowa Hawkeyes sports teams, and walk her rescue dog, Obi-Wan.

“Everything is figureoutable.

Marie Forleo