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Feeling overwhelmed in your healthcare marketing job? Discover practical tips to beat burnout for good.
Author: WG Content
Last updated: 10/31/23
If you’ve found yourself struggling in your healthcare marketing job lately, don’t feel guilty. Overcoming work burnout is a challenge for many of us. Just look at the Google Trends graph below — worldwide interest for the term “work burnout” has seen an upward trend in the last two years, with a spike just a few months ago. And if you talked to some of your marketing colleagues today, I’ll bet they’re facing the same kind of stress and mental fatigue you may be feeling.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines work burnout as a syndrome caused by “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” The WHO’s definition of burnout includes three main symptoms:
According to Deloitte, 77% of workers have experienced burnout. Top reasons include:
Here are a few ideas that can help you rejuvenate and revitalize your marketing role.
One of the biggest causes of burnout is filling up your plate with too much work. Let’s face it — saying “no” to a colleague or a manager isn’t the easiest task.
But learning how to say “no” is essential for avoiding burnout. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should decline every request. Instead, take a close look at those requests and determine whether you have the time, energy and brain space to address the task. Consider things like:
If your gut tells you not to take on the request, be clear with your answer and explain why you’re saying no.
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Setting boundaries with your job can also help you avoid overworking yourself and getting to the burnout zone. Consider these healthy work habits:
Be as specific as possible in highlighting the impact of gifts, whether it’s to purchase new equipment, build a facility, fund mammograms for the uninsured or support your organization’s future.
Sometimes we can feel burnt out when we take on too many tasks that we don’t have the skills for. Learning to say “no” is just one part of that, though.
If you’re struggling to complete tasks, consider revisiting your job description. Look it over with your manager or supervisor and remind them of your primary roles and responsibilities. Say you’re managing all your organization’s social media accounts, but your job description primarily focuses on SEO/SEM — it might be time for a conversation about adding resources to your team.
Reviewing your job description is also an excellent opportunity to revisit your career goals and interests. Does your current job align with these priorities? If not, your burnout may be caused by a job that you’re not a good fit for or that you’ve outgrown.
When you find your daily tasks straying from your job description, make sure to have a conversation with your manager or supervisor. Often, reconfiguring your current role or applying to another job within your organization is easier and more rewarding than quitting and starting somewhere new.
When you feel burnout building, think about your to-dos and take a Marie Kondo approach to the list. Which tasks bring you joy? For the tasks that don’t get you fired up, find ways to ease the burden.
For example, a colleague may be able to help you brainstorm ideas for social media posts, so you don’t have to come up with everything alone. Hiring freelance healthcare writers or content experts can help support the blog writing you’re doing every day. And maybe there’s a helpful tool that can make your SEO reporting easier and faster.
One of the best antidotes for overcoming work burnout is changing up your workspace. Adding variety to your work life can take on various forms — even small changes can make a big difference. Here are a few ideas:
When you’re creating reports and tracking campaigns every day, it can be easy to lose sight of your organization’s mission and purpose. If you’re feeling a little disconnected, it may be time to write a patient story, create a customer case study or scope some five-star client or patient reviews. You can also talk to your sales or customer success team to get insight into how your organization makes a difference.
These can all be good reminders of why your marketing efforts — and your job — matter. Bonus: This exercise may also inspire some fresh marketing content!
Will a single webinar rejuvenate your career? Probably not. But now and then, an inspiring session is the shot in the arm your career needs.
If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut career-wise, seek out a new seminar or industry conference. Learning new skills and meeting new people can help reinvigorate your role and remind you why you got into marketing in the first place.
With a massive uptick in remote work, many healthcare marketers may feel isolated, which can worsen burnout. Reconnecting with coworkers can help.
Your entire day shouldn’t be filled with work. To avoid burnout, make sure you’re setting aside time every day to do something for yourself. Yes, every day. Spend time on a hobby, walk the dog, have coffee with your partner, or exercise — whatever it is, make sure it’s something you enjoy. Block it off on your calendar if you must.
Sometimes the best thing you can do for work burnout is to take some time away from it. That may mean a long weekend (or two), a vacation, or a sabbatical if your organization offers it. No work emails, texts, chats or phone calls allowed.
Taking time off from work is serious business. Not only does it help with burnout, but it may also save your life. A WHO study published in 2021 showed that people who worked 55+ hours/week were 35% more likely to have a stroke and 17% more likely to die from heart disease than people who worked 35-40 hours/week.
If the thought of taking a lot of time off gives you anxiety, consider starting with one or two days a month that you block off just for you. Maybe that’s the third Thursday or the first Friday. Add it to your calendar in advance to avoid surprise meetings and deadlines.
Here’s the truth: It may take some time and a few different tactics to overcome work burnout and fall back in love with your job again.
But if you’ve tried and tried and still feel uninspired, it may be time to talk to someone. That person could be a coworker or supervisor you trust. If you can be honest about the struggles you’re facing at work, they may be able to help you find solutions or a position that’s a better fit for your skills and interest.
You may also want to consider speaking with a professional therapist — sometimes the root of our work ennui is not related to work at all. Resolving other issues in your life that are weighing on your mental health can often give you renewed energy in your career.
Whatever struggle you face today in your job, know there’s someone out there who is willing to listen and help. You don’t have to face work burnout alone.
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If your manager isn’t receptive, try framing the conversation around productivity and quality. Share how burnout impacts your work and propose solutions, such as delegating tasks, prioritizing projects or adjusting deadlines. If that doesn’t help, consider seeking support from HR or a trusted colleague who can advocate on your behalf.
Start small by carving out just 10–15 minutes a day for something you enjoy, like reading, journaling or walking. Use calendar blocks to prioritize this time, even if it’s during lunch. Remember, even small breaks from work can make a big difference in managing stress and recharging your energy.
Reflect on whether your burnout stems from the job itself, the industry or external factors like workload or lack of support. If you no longer feel passionate about your work, consistently dread tasks or find no fulfillment in your role, it might be time to explore new opportunities that align better with your skills and interests.
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