Key takeaways in this post about healthcare infographics:

  • An infographic is a powerful tool. It conveys complex healthcare information and boosts health literacy.
  • A good infographic needs to be visually appealing. It should be simple and have key information.
  • Color palettes, scale and simplicity are crucial. They keep readers engaged and also convey information well.

An infographic is a great way to share healthcare content. It’s also an excellent tool healthcare organizations can use to boost health literacy when done well. There’s a key phrase in that last sentence, though — when done well. Anyone who has worked on an infographic knows it isn’t easy to put together a design. It must break down complicated information. It must be visually appealing. And then there are branding and color palettes to worry about, too. If you’re looking for healthcare infographic examples to inspire your next design, this article is for you.

We asked some of WG Content’s graphic designers and project managers to share their favorite healthcare infographics. Check them out below.

#1: Infographic example: Eat the rainbow (OhioHealth)

How do you make a topic like phytonutrients interesting? This infographic by OhioHealth does it.

It’s simple, colorful and enticing. Before reading the text, the reader knows which food items should be on their plate.

Infographic from OhioHealth about eating healthy
Here’s a portion (pun intended) of the infographic. See the full infographic here.

OhioHealth is an excellent resource for more examples. They know how to simplify a complex topic into a short infographic. They also know how to encourage you to read on for more detail.

This one on coffee is another favorite. And this graphic showing exercises for lower back pain is another great example.

Read more: A designer shares her step-by-step process.

#2: Infographic example: Health and your family tree (Cleveland Clinic)

One of our favorite graphic designers, Diane, sent this example. Here’s what she had to say about the design:

You know how some people act out the lyrics when they’re singing and dancing? That’s what happens with some infographics. Instead of helping us understand a concept, the designer tries to use too many graphics to represent content. And the information can get confusing. Sometimes, the written content is best left alone. Done well, a single illustration can be enough to pull the reader into the overall theme.

Diane identifies Cleveland Clinic’s graphic as a great example. It has a controlled color palette, legible copy and good flow. These qualities go from the logo to the call to action.

Infographic from the Cleveland Clinic about health and your family tree
Here’s an infographic sample from Cleveland Clinic. See the full infographic here.

#3: Infographic example: Get to know your physicians (Great Plains)

Here’s a different take on the typical public health infographic. This one highlights Great Plains’ “homegrown” physicians.

It takes a ton of information and arranges it in a way that makes sense. The graphics and sections do an excellent job of breaking up the details.

Plus, the organization nails the content and tone for its Nebraska audience.

Infographic from Great Plains Health celebrating statistics from Doctor's day.
Here’s an Infographic example from Great Plains Health. See the full infographic here.

#4: Infographic example: Healthy swaps (Lexi’s Clean Kitchen)

Infographics often need to present a lot of content. This can cause a reader to bail before reaching the end.

Diane shared this example from Lexi’s Clean Kitchen. Her take:

This infographic demonstrates how alternating color fields and dynamic angles can catch the reader’s attention and carry them top to bottom. Scale plays an important role again in quickly distinguishing what you should eat less of and what you should eat more of. Simple shapes and a controlled color palette keep the illustrations from stopping the flow.

Infographic from Lexi's Clean Kitchen showing healthy alternatives to popular foods.
Here’s a sample of the “healthy swaps” infographic from Lexi’s Clean Kitchen. View the full infographic here.

#5: Infographic example: The benefits of biking (Indiana University)

We love a good theme. We love it, especially when it flows through a good infographic. When someone looks at a graphic, it should only take a few seconds to get the message.

This example from Indiana University (IU) Health uses a biking theme. The theme underlines the topic. It helps the information flow through the infographic.

Infographic from IU Health showing the benefits of biking
IU Health’s infographic on the benefits of biking.

#6: Infographic example: Live tobacco-free (APHA)

You can also use infographics to promote important public health issues. The American Public Health Association created this infographic to encourage tobacco-free living.

Infographic from the American Public Health Association on the benefits of living tobacco-free
Here’s a sample of the APHA tobacco-free infographic. View the full infographic here.

APHA’s eye-catching graphic has bold colors. It also conveys its message with powerful stats.

An infographic should be appealing to the eyes and easy to understand. It should also provide valuable information.

The key is to keep it simple yet effective. This way, anyone can quickly grasp the main points and take action to improve their health.

WG Content specializes in creating visually engaging and informative infographics. Our team can work with you to develop an infographic that aligns with your campaign goals.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can tailor them to meet your needs.

There are a few tips to design infographics that are engaging, but one of the best is to give your infographic a theme. It helps the audience be able to understand what your infographic is about quickly, and keeps content and design cohesive.

Infographics communicate information in a simple way, so if plain and accessible language is important to you, infographics might be a great design asset to embrace. They’re also highly shareable on social media. So, your message reaches a wider audience. Search Engine Journal shares some more reasons they are popular.

Avoid too much text! Remember, infographics are all about making easy for your reader to digest information quickly. Also, always cite your sources if you are using statistics. Get more tips for creating infographic content.

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