Key takeaways in this post:

  • There are over 68 million baby boomers.
  • Baby boomers want to enhance their lives through wellness and activity.
  • Use positive language when addressing baby boomers. Avoid terms like “old’ or “senior.” Focus on simple, factual content.
  • Baby boomers prefer text-based content.

Author: Lyn Engle
Last updated: 8/14/19

Today, baby boomers do much more online than share recipes and stalk their grandkids on Instagram. Boomers want to enrich their lives by being active and healthy. That’s good news for healthcare marketers. As potential healthcare consumers, the boomer market is too big to ignore.

Baby boomers were born post-World War II between the mid-1940s and early 1960s.

More than 68 million people are boomers, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. They spend more time seeking health info online than 18 – 29-year-olds.

And they control half of the nation’s wealth.

How can you provide healthcare content that goes beyond stereotypes? It should be relatable and engaging. Start by being mindful of their preferences.

1. Meet boomers where they are

Online, two social media sites reach boomers far above all other sites, according to Statista:

  • 78% of U.S. adults aged 56 and older use Facebook
  • 67% use YouTube

If that YouTube number surprises you, remember this is the generation raised on TV. Unlike digital natives, long-form commercial and series content is a natural fit.

2. Watch your language

Marketing campaigns for baby boomers may use words like “old,” “senior,” and “aging.” But these words won’t resonate with a boomer beyond a first glance.

Focus on the positive, use plain language, include facts and get to the point.

3. Give them something to read

Baby boomers love text. And as writers, so do we!

As a bonus, baby boomers also love to share.

The following type of content is ripe for consumption:

  • Reviews
  • Blogs
  • White papers
  • E-books

4. Respect their experience

Other generations (unnamed here!) may think they know more than anyone. Baby boomers might know more if you believe life experience leads to greater knowledge.

Sure, there are some areas where they’re beginners. But boomers’ life experiences create a foundation. It gives more context for every choice.

5. Personalize your marketing approach

One of the biggest mistakes companies make in marketing to baby boomers is treating them as a monolithic group. The truth is this generation is diverse.

They have unique needs, interests and values. Instead of using blanket statements or assumptions, take the time to understand each boomer’s preferences and tailor your messaging.

Personalization also means showing respect for their age and life experience. Avoid patronizing or infantilizing language.

Instead, speak to them as equals with valuable insights and contributions. Additionally, don’t shy away from referencing nostalgia or shared cultural references that may resonate with them.

Marketing to the diverse generations in today’s healthcare marketplace requires a thoughtful strategy and content that hits the perfect note. If you’re looking for a content partner to help you conquer generational divides real and imagined, reach out to WG Content.

Baby boomers make up a big part of the population. They have unique characteristics. So, tailor your content for your audience. Use appropriate language and content formats.

Acknowledge the diverse experiences and perspectives of baby boomers in your content. Avoid stereotyping or assuming they aren’t open to new ideas. Instead, focus on creating meaningful, relatable content that resonates with their experiences.

Consider including reviews, blogs, white papers and e-books in your content strategy. Partnering with a content agency like WG Content can also help you reach this audience.

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