Key takeaways in this post:

  • Email newsletters are effective tools for healthcare organizations to connect with patients and promote services.
  • Engaging and informative email content can help drive traffic to a hospital’s website and keep readers interested in future newsletters.
  • Growing an email list takes time, but best practices like opt-in forms and social media promotions can help attract subscribers.
  • If you’re struggling with creating engaging email content, seek inspiration from other healthcare newsletters.

If you answered newsletters, then give yourself a pat on the back. Newsletters allow healthcare organizations to connect with patients and share important health information. What better way to use your customer relationship management (CRM) list than by sending a regular newsletter with valuable content? Yet with the increasing number of newsletters flooding inboxes, healthcare marketers need to make sure theirs stands out. We’ve rounded up four healthcare newsletters that do it so well that we can’t get enough of them.

Before diving into our top picks, let’s talk about the benefits of email newsletters in the healthcare industry. 

Here’s what email newsletters can do for you: 

  • Offer flexibility. Adjust content and frequency based on needs.
  • Provide real-time tracking. Track open rates, click-throughs and engagement.
  • Lower costs. Save money on printing and mailing costs.
  • Drive traffic. Direct readers back to your website. 
  • Build relationships. Nurture patient trust and loyalty. 

If you’re new to creating newsletters, don’t fret. Here are some common questions and answers to get you started:

  • What should I include in my newsletter? The content of your newsletter will depend on the purpose and audience. Consider including updates on hospital news, health tips and promotions.
  • How often should I send out newsletters? This will vary based on resources and audience preferences. You can send them weekly, biweekly, monthly or quarterly.
  • What is a good subject line for my newsletter? Make it catchy, relevant and informative. Avoid using generic phrases like “Hospital Newsletter.” Instead, try “Healthy Living Made Easy: Your Monthly Guide to Wellness.”
  • How do I make sure my newsletter reaches the right audience? Use an email marketing tool to segment audiences based on demographics, interests or past interactions.
  • What is the best time to send out newsletters? This can vary depending on your audience and their schedules. Generally, mid-week mornings tend to have higher open rates.

Now that you understand the benefits of healthcare email newsletters let’s look at four examples to inspire your newsletter content.

1. North Kansas City Hospital and Meritas Health

Screenshot of North Kansas City Hospital and Meritas Health's newsletter. The main headline reads, "Men Should Prioritize Mental Wellness." There is also a "Mental Health Matters" button.

The North Kansas City Hospital newsletter is a good example of how to provide valuable content that goes beyond self-promotion. Each edition contains informative articles, tips and advice on various health topics. 

The hospital presents its newsletter in a simple and easy-to-digest format, which makes it accessible to a wide audience. What sets this newsletter apart is its use of video content. 

The hospital incorporates videos on topics ranging from bee stings to healthy lashes. This adds variety to the content and makes it more engaging and shareable.

2. St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Screenshot of St. Elizabeth Healthcare's newletter titled, "Healthy Headlines." The main headlines reads, "St. Elizabeth Healthcare and Melanoma Know More Partner to Offer Exclusive Skin Cancer Screenings for Firefighters."

The newsletter for St. Elizabeth Healthcare spotlights its expertise. It’s informative, and the design makes it easy for readers to navigate.  

What stands out about this newsletter is its focus on community involvement and healthcare innovation. It features articles on events and initiatives that the hospital supports. 

It also features updates on new technology and treatments. This keeps readers informed and highlights the hospital’s commitment to improving the community’s health.

3. LCMC Health

Screenshot of LCMC Health's newsletter titled, "Keeping you well." The main headline reads, "Mental Health Awareness Month + Sunny days = Good Vibes."

In its newsletter, LCMC Health features strong calls to action and a clear focus on patient education. It includes articles on different medical conditions, along with tips for staying healthy and taking care of your mental health.

LCMC Health also incorporates social media into its newsletter by including links to follow the health system on various platforms. This allows for further engagement with its audience beyond the newsletter.

4. AdventHealth

Screenshot of Advent Health's newsletter with the headline "We're Here for Your Wellness Journey>"

AdventHealth uses its newsletter header to highlight its brand and mission. The tagline, “We’re Here for Your Wellness Journey,” sets the tone for what readers can expect.

The newsletter provides content that encourages readers to take charge of their health. For example, it includes information on where to go in an emergency and how to schedule a men’s health screening.

The newsletter also has clear, easy-to-read sections.

What can you learn from these examples? 

Here are seven takeaways you can use to make your newsletter more engaging:

  1. Be valuable. Make sure your content provides real value to your readers. Share health tips, wellness advice and hospital news that matter to them.
  2. Be consistent. Consistency is key. Whether you choose monthly, bi-weekly or quarterly, stick to your schedule to build trust and anticipation.
  3. Have a niche. Focus on specific areas of interest, like heart health or pediatric care, to attract and retain a dedicated audience.
  4. Don’t always ask for things. The goal is to provide value, not just ask for appointments or donations. Focus on delivering helpful content.
  5. Send a welcome email. When someone signs up, send a welcome email to introduce them to your newsletter and set expectations. It’s a great way to start the relationship on a positive note.
  6. Invest in video and graphics: Visual content like videos and infographics can make your newsletter more engaging and easier to digest.
  7. Share stories: Patient stories, staff highlights and community events can make your newsletter more relatable and interesting.

You want to stay top of mind with current and prospective patients. Delivering valuable, healthy-living tips is an effective way to do so. 

You’re likely already developing that content in your blog, so why not use your email newsletter as another distribution channel?

Here are a few ways to grow your subscriber list:

  • Encourage sign-ups on your website. Make subscribing to your newsletter easy.
  • Cross-promote your email newsletter in print marketing materials. Include a call-to-action to sign up.
  • Promote on social media. Use your social media channels to drive newsletter sign-ups.
  • Offer incentives: Consider offering new subscribers a small incentive, like a free e-book or health guide.

Building an email list takes effort and time, but it’s worth it for the potential return on investment.

Our team at WG Content helps healthcare organizations connect with patients and deliver valuable information. 

We offer email marketing services that include:

  • Content strategy: Our team will help develop an email content strategy that resonates with readers and aligns with your goals.
  • Customized content: We can create personalized content for your newsletters that aligns with your brand and engages your audience.
  • Clear writing: Our team of healthcare writers understands how to write informative yet easy-to-understand content.

Don’t let your email newsletter fall flat. Let us help you create engaging content that will keep your subscribers coming back for more. Contact us today to learn more about our email marketing services.

Email newsletters help hospitals connect with patients, share valuable health information and drive website traffic. They are cost-effective and allow for real-time tracking of reader engagement.

Some tips for creating engaging email newsletter content include personalization, using catchy subject lines and offering valuable information or resources.

Grow your subscriber list by encouraging sign-ups on your website, cross-promoting on print materials, promoting on social media and offering incentives for new subscribers.

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