Rebecca Sims

Executive Vice President, Operations

Part people officer, part project consultant and full-time problem solver, Rebecca provides behind-the-scenes leadership that helps our client work shine.

She joined WG Content in 2014 after spending decades as a writer and branding expert in marketing and advertising. Over the years, Rebecca has served in nearly every role at WG Content, which explains her unique ability to support co-workers through any challenge they face. As EVP of Operations, Rebecca leads cross-functional teams with a focus on talent, training, teamwork — and cultivating our culture. She’s also our “recruiter-in-chief,” helping to fuel the tremendous growth of our staff and associate teams.

Rebecca adds her creative spark to everything she touches, whether presenting at universities or conferences, building our internal learning platform, WG Content Academy, or choosing the perfect Friday video for her co-workers’ entertainment. She has a heart for making sure everyone feels included, prepared and appreciated.

Rebecca is happiest spending time with her family, friends and dogs, especially when live music is involved. When it’s nice out, she enjoys walking, biking or kayaking along the scenic Little Miami River. When it’s not nice out, you might find her doing yoga, being terrible at something new or reveling in life’s hilarities.

“Rebecca is an honest and sincere leader who excels at relationship building. After my first conversation with her, I knew I wanted to be part of the WG Content team. She is professional, warm and kind. And when you talk to her, you can hear the smile in her voice.

— Jennifer McGhee, Editor