Abbie Krajewski

Content Strategist

Abbie is an experienced marketer who helps clients create exceptional online experiences with customized solutions that meet their goals. A passionate believer in right message, right time, right place, she excels at strategizing your efforts for maximum impact.

With a career spanning both nonprofit and for-profit worlds and a variety of industries, Abbie knew she had found her place when she discovered WG Content. She brings a depth of knowledge about omnichannel marketing strategy, with a particular interest in email campaigns. Abbie taps into our company values of being “empowered” and “curious” whenever she collaborates with clients.

Abbie holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations and communication design and an MBA. When she’s not working, you can find her exploring her new hometown of Chicago, volunteering, reading a good book, photographing friends and family, tending her indoor jungle, or playing with her dogs.

“Abbie’s endless creativity, ideas and insights are invaluable. She’s passionately enthusiastic about content strategy and helps our team — and clients — reach new heights!

— Terri Ann Fredette, Project Manager